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Serhiy Letuchyi



How did you experience war in 2014? What do you remember from that? How old were you? How did 2014-2015 go for you?
Please tell this story in detail.
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When the russian federation annexed Crimea, a friend and I organized a musical tour of Ukraine - "Yedyna Kraina" (Single Country) - and actively engaged in cultural diplomacy. Regional stereotypes have always existed in Ukraine. It seemed that Ukrainians were complete "strangers" to each other. Performing in the Western Ukraine, we reminded people in speeches and interviews that in the east there are normal people, not "thugs". Returning home to Eastern Ukraine, we talked about the fact that we "didn't get eaten" (t.n. referring to a stereotype about western Ukrainians pushed by russian propaganda) in Western Ukraine.
This is how we were conveying important messages for the country through music.

"Where were you these 8 years?".
How has this time passed for you, what changed in your life since the events of 2014?
What has influenced you the most during this time?
Please write in detail.

I spent these eight years in Starobilsk, organizing socio-cultural projects and advancing culture there. I also engaged in social work.
These are festivals, charity events, and parties.
I then founded the Bet On Art Association; together with a team of artists we painted 9 murals. In particular, public personas that were important for the citizens, and interesting depictions of urban myths and legends. During the painting of the murals, we also held events dedicated to the figures we were painting. Performances of musicians, poets, speakers, and exhibitions of photographers and artists.
There you had fun and could rest productively.
I also worked as an event organizer in the Luhansk Regional Library, which moved to Starobilsk from occupied Luhansk.
Besides that, I worked on inclusive projects, making the city more accessible and comfortable.

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What was February 24, 2022 for you like?
Did you believe that a full-scale offensive would begin?Where are you now? What do you do?

What do you think about your future now?

In February 2022, I was implementing two projects related to monitoring the architectural accessibility of the city. After the completion of one of the projects, Dmytro Shchebetyuk, the founder of the Dostupno.UA initiative, arrived in Starobilsk. Dmytro offered to drive me to Kyiv in his car.
So we left on the first day of the war, not quite realizing that a full-scale offensive had begun.
By the way, I had a self-paid vacation (how ironic) from February 25 and already bought tickets and all that.
Dmytro and I left Starobilsk by detours, knowing there are no safe routes - after all, russians are never interested in the safety of civilians.
It was quite a long and difficult trip. On the way we saw a lot of military equipment and planes. I also twas thinking that if the car breaks down, we will get into a very unpleasant situation, because both Dmitry and I have 1 disability group.
I was in Kyiv for three days - those days when it was really `hot`, and then I left there "with fun" under enemy fire.

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